Thursday, December 19, 2019

SLJ Day 3 Activity 3 My Dream Job

1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    Well done on this one Noah! Being a pilot would be amazing! I think that being able to fly a plane would be so cool. Thank you for sharing your dream job! Is there anything in particular that makes you think you would like to be a pilot?

    The people you have listed above are definitely people who could help you become a pilot. Have you talked to them about how you want to be a pilot? Aviation school would be incredible! Do you know much about what aviation school is like?

    This will be the last time I comment on your posts for a while because I am going on holiday for two weeks. I will be back on the 6th of January and I’m already looking forward to reading all the posts you will have done! Keep up the awesome work while I’m away! :)



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.