Thursday, January 23, 2020

SLJ Activity 2 Day 3 Week 1


  1. Hi Noah,

    These are great questions that You would ask Steven Adams. Could You think of two more questions though? Do You play basketball or are a fan of Steven Adams? I don't play basketball or I'm not really a big fan of Steven Adams. I wonder who He looked up to when He was younger?

    Keep up the good work Noah,

    Caitlyn :)

  2. Hi Caitlyn

    Thanks for commenting on my post.
    I did play last year for my school I like basketball.
    Maybe I would ask what made him choose to play for the Oklahoma City Thunder out of the rest NBA teams, and would you like to play for the Tall Blacks.


  3. Hey Noah!

    Well done on this post! You have done well to come up with these questions. They are all really interesting and unique! Awesome work!

    I would also like to know who Steven Adams looked up to when he was a child. He has become such a good player! I would love to know who inspired him! Do you have someone in your life that inspires you?

    I also really like your question about moving away! He must have faced a lot of challenges moving away from home. I wonder which was the biggest and hardest to overcome. Do you think you would be able to move away from your family like this? Can you think of some ways that could help you cope? I think that I would call my family everyday and send letters. I think that letters would feel more special. What do you think you would do?

    Nice work on this post! I really like how thoughtful these questions are! I’ve really enjoyed reading all your posts! They are all so interesting and I love reading what you have to say. You have some really interesting ideas!

    Matilda :)

  4. Hi!

    I think I could move away from home but would have to talk to my mum and dad everyday I think maybe send post cards and letters so they no that I am ok and enjoying where ever I may be in the world. I would also have photos up on my walls of my family.

    Probably my family would inspires me and maybe my cousin that was born with Poland Syndrome which means his left hand is under developed and has under developed chest muscles and he plays able body sports like rugby and softball never gives up that makes me feel like I should never give up if he can do it so can I.

    Noah :)



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