Thursday, January 23, 2020

SLJ Activity 3 Day 1 Week 3


  1. Hello Noah,

    Great job with this activity. Do You play Rugby League or are You a fan of it? It's cool how You found some more sport team rivalries, could You think of two more though? If You want to stick with the sport theme, maybe You could do the Silver Ferns and the Australian Diamonds?

    I don't know anything about these teams, but hopefully NSW wins!

    Caitlyn :)

  2. Hi Caitlyn

    I don't Play rugby league I like to watch it with my dad I play rugby.
    Thank you for your feed back I just realised I miss read the question.

    Noah :)

  3. Hey again!

    Nice work thinking of this rivalry! The competition between two sports teams is such a good example of a rivalry! I don’t know much about the Australian Rugby League but I’m sure the competition is intense!

    Can you think of any examples of rivalries other than in sports? Is there a rivalry that happens at your house? I can think of a few within my house! I am the only one who likes vegemite. Everyone else likes marmite. Maybe you can think of some rivalries at school?

    Comment below with another rivalry you can think of! Once you’ve done that I can give you full points for this activity!

    Remember today is the last day of the SLJ so make sure you post any last activities before the end of the day!

    Matilda :)

  4. Hi Matilda

    Every year we have a darts competition with all of my mum's side of the family on new years day it goes for 2/3 days we play for a trophy called the Jimmy and Marie Silva which is my Great Grandad and Great Grandma this year we had 52 family members in the adults one competition even though we are family we get really competitive we also have a kids darts as well and there were 4 in this and I came second.

    I hope this one is ok



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